| ever a work in progress! | to be frank this is a lot simpler than i had imagined! | what else do i really put in this marquee? | this may or may not be just filler text! you decide! |


truly a whole new world!

if you are a first time visiter, welcome! if you are coming back, also welcome!

if you are returning you may have noticed quite the difference from the old blank white page. i've used Sadness' layout maker to create this new landing page!

it has been unbelievably helpful and i am very grateful for having such a tool to use. though i will ensure to study so that i can create pages like this on my own some day!

for now, this will be the only page, but dont worry! i am working on other pages!

really i imagine this site will act as a sort of hub for my interests, and maybe a more personal diary of sorts. we'll just have to see!

for right now,, i thank you greatly for visiting my humble page,, and i hope to see you again when things are a bit more tidy and put together. please come back sometime! :3